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MISSION - We exist to:


Unite people in a relationship with God (By creating an environment where people meet with God, being loved, healed, encouraged, equipped and taught.)


Develop Christ likeness in them through servant ministries (Servant ministries provide a fertile ground for the growth of the fruit of the spirit to radiate Christ in us.)


Advance Kingdom impact  in our city and beyond (Impact our city and beyond by evangelism, prayer, worship, sending, supporting and networking.)


VISION  - To be a caring, Christ-centered church, bringing Kingdom transformation to lives.


To be an expression of Jesus heart wherever we may go.


To be a blessing to the body of Christ


Become known as a family oriented church


Become a regional ministry center


Embrace all nations


To fulfill our unique God given calling and destiny




Prayer: We see prayer as the underlying strength in all we do.


Word of God: We believe the Word of God to be the absolute authority.


Team Ministries: We recognize the importance of utilizing the variety of spiritual gifts that contribute to balanced, effective ministry. 


Relationship/Fellowship: People are to be loved and encouraged.


Worship: Is our privileged ministry to God.

Statements of Faith




We believe Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary and that even though HE was tempted as every man is, He lived a sinless life. The Bible shows us that Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin; that He rose from the dead after three days; that He ascended back into heaven; and that He is seated at the right hand of God the Father interceding on behalf of Christians. We believe that Christ will one day return for His church, the Body of Christ, and that His people will reign eternally with Him in heaven.




We believe that there is ONE God. It is our belief that God exists now, has always existed and will always exist in THREE persons in unity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This unity is referred to as The Trinity.




Because of the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross, those who receive His forgiveness no longer face a penalty for their sin and can walk in right standing before God. At Christ's second coming, those believers will be taken to heaven with Him where they will exist in an incorruptible, glorified body.




Jesus Christ instituted the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord's Supper for believers. It is our belief that water baptism and communion are for those persons who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They are symbols for the church of Christ's sacrifice and the New Covenant He established with men.




As the Christian follows and abides in Christ, there is no man who can "take us out His hand." However, that person, through his own actions and choice, could place himself outside the word of Christ and thus, "fall from Grace."




The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God and is without error or conflict. It is the final authority for all areas of the Christian faith.




Because of the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, all persons are born in sin. Scripture shows us that the only remedy for this situation is for man to repent of his sin and receive the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Those who reject this work will be eternally separated from God after the judgment.




The Baptism of, or in, the Holy Spirit is a work of grace subsequent to salvation, and is for all believers. It is that endowment of power spoken of in the book of Acts which enables the believer to live a victorious Christian life and be a more effective witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.




The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians. Chapter 12, were given to the church throughout the ages. They continue for the exhortation edification and comfort of the church today.




The book of Ephesians shows us that Christ has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to guide and equip the church for the work of the ministry. New Testament teaching also shows us that they are joined in the governmental structure of the church by elders and deacons.




We believe the Bible clearly teaches that all believers have the privilege and responsibility to honor God in the giving of tithes and offerings. In 2 Corinthians. chapter 8, the Apostle Paul urges all believers to abound in this "gracious work."

The Life Church
DBA Trinty Life Center
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​36 Merritt Court  Pueblo, CO 81001

Telephone : 719-543-7000   Pastor Jason Eberhardt

Fax : 719-543-8167
Email :

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